Day 2
The second day began in a tent on the parking lot near the track where at night problems in the design of our car were corrected.
With the opening of the boxes we borrowed a welding machine and welded the protection of the intercooler. However, apart from technical inspection, static tests have been waiting for us. Primarily, delegation from our team went on a business presentation. In this test, you need to show a ten minute presentation containing the economic substantiation for your project, the disclosure of the business plan and proof of recoupment.
Following business presentation was a cost report defense, followed by the assessment of a car, where the team members have tried to uncover to the judges all technical solutions and characteristics of our car. Static tests in the first year are not easy, but at the stage you have a great opportunity to watch experienced team and learn from them things not written in the regulations or anywhere else. In static tests we have taken 32nd, 32nd and 36th place in the overall standings, and among Russian teams 3rd, 2nd and 2nd places.
After completing the static events our car headed for the technical inspection once again. Inspection was carried out by the same judges as the first day. To our unconcealed joy they began to strike out punch-items from the list. Again they delayed on intercooler, checked appeared steel pipe protection and stroke out this item. Naturally, there were a couple of new observations which, however, we managed to correct right on the spot. After that the judges congratulated us with the passage of the first part of the technical inspection.
In high spirits our team in full line-up proceeded to the track where all cars were gathered for a group photograph. Outside of driving tests it is prohibited for cars to move under its own power, so everybody are pushing the car using a special «push-bar». While in line to the overall picture each team had a chance to outrace someone from top teams, thus at some places race track was more athletick track.
After the group photo the time had for passing the second part of the technical inspection, which consists of 4 tests:
- leaving the car
- tilt
- noise
- breaking
All of our four pilots confirmed that they can jump out of the car in less than 5 seconds, and we received the first of four sticker. The purpose of this test is to prove that the pilot can leave the car in time in the event of an emergency, it’s not as easy as it might seem. Before leaving the car, pilots need to de-energize the car by pressing the appropriate button, remove the steering wheel and undo the 6-point harness.
On this second day came to an end, and our team had the opportunity to go to camp early, where in the evenings teams usually held an invaluable exchange of experience between in an informal situation.